Thursday, September 30, 2010

                                                    "Gabriel and Marah Mae Mendoza, Montenegro"
                                                            "Gabriel M. Montenegro"

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Then lately at November 17 1987 Mr.and Mrs. Montenegro having a son named 'Gabriel M. Montenego'

in year 2007 Gabriel graduated in De la salle green hills
Course:B.S.B.A Accountancy. after he graduate he passed his exam in Ateneo de manila he is now a "C.P.A"
Talent:singing playing piano,
                                                  Attitude:Short tempered,smart,kind,funny
                                                   favorite food:pizza,adobo sweet,pasta

                                                   Mr.Gabriel is the next inheritor of  their company in 2017 so he need to     prove that he is the one if he cant prove maybe her sister, Marah mae Montenegro.

Saturday, September 23, 2000

 Mr.Miguel Montenegro and her wife from Spain Mrs.Sofia M.Montenegro. Mr.Miguel is The president of a company named "Silver Company Montenegro in 60's".

 Mr.Miguel is having a Son he is Mr.Jacob M.Montenegro and her wife Mrs.Sarah Mendoza Montenegro a Filipino.